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      2. Scientists identify new longevity gene
        Scientists identify new longevity gene
        A team of Chinese scientists has identified a longevity gene that may potentially enhance human resistance to aging and become a new target for managing pests.
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        Ways to remove body hair for summer
        Ways to remove body hair for summer
        With hotter weather often comes more skin showing — and for many that means increased sense of pressure to get rid of body hair. There are a lot of options to address the hair: laser, at home devices, waxing, creams and shaving, said Dr. Deirdre Hooper, cofounder of Audubon Dermatology in New Orleans, the United States.
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        Internet addiction may affect teen brains
        Internet addiction may affect teen brains
        Teens who spend lots of time on social media have complained of feeling like they can’t pay attention to more important things like homework or time with loved ones.
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        New study finds crows can count up to four
        New study finds crows can count up to four
        Perhaps “birdbrained” isn’t such an insult after all — crows, the ubiquitous urban bird, can vocally count up to four, the latest research has found.
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        Being pregnant is tough, even metabolically
        Being pregnant is tough, even metabolically
        Having a baby is energetically much more expensive than commonly thought, according to new research.
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        IKEA opens Plan and Order Point in Shenzhen
        IKEA opens Plan and Order Point in Shenzhen
        Shopping at IKEA can be a daunting task for some: You drive or commute to the suburban location, pick up a huge cart, and navigate a labyrinth of the “giant blue box,” typically spanning over 30,000 square meters in floor space.
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        Fish oil supplements may raise risk of stroke, heart issues
        Fish oil supplements may raise risk of stroke, heart issues
        As an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, daily fish oil supplements are a popular way to keep the risk of cardiovascular disease at bay.
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        Fashion at Cannes Film Festival
        Fashion at Cannes Film Festival
        The 77th edition of the most fashionable film festival is nearing its end, with a slew of directors, actors and writers having made their entrance on the hallowed Promenade de la Croisette in Cannes.
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