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        City hosts conference on digital twin cities

        Writer: Liu Minxia  |  Editor: Liu Minxia  |  From:   |  Updated: 2023-11-14

        Speakers share their insights on digital twin cities at the 2023 Pioneering Digital Twin City Innovation Conference in Shenzhen yesterday. File photos

        Shenzhen hosted the Pioneering Digital Twin City Innovation Conference for the first time yesterday, as the new concept of digital twin cities draws increasing attention. 

        The digital twin city is a new concept that was approved as a new term by the National Committee for the Examination and Approval of Science and Technology Terms in July 2020. A digital twin city refers to a city that offers a model of urban planning and construction for future sustainable development that effectively combines innovations in digital technology with urban operational mechanisms, and provides a feasible path for urban upgrading. As an important component of new urban infrastructure and as an incubator of new economies, building digital twin cities promotes urban digital transformation and high-quality development, and drives related industries and digital economy to a new level.

        Prof. Wu Lun shares his insights on digital twin cities at the 2023 

        Pioneering Digital Twin City Innovation Conference in Shenzhen yesterday. 

        Cities around the world have been gearing up for the building of such cities. At the Shenzhen conference, representatives from China's Hong Kong, Xiongan, Hangzhou as well as Singapore shared their experience and practice in building a digital twin city. At the conference, Shenzhen launched its Shenzhen Digital Twin Industry Alliance, aiming to build a digital twin city innovation ecology, accelerate the integration of digital twin city technologies with more industries, and provide enabling support for new industries such as digital energy, smart transportation, smart construction, digital health care, and new generation logistics. 

        Hosted by the city government and organized by the Shenzhen Municipal Government Service Data Administration Bureau, the conference took place after the city government released its action plan on building a digital twin city in June.

        The award ceremony of the Digital Twin Innovation Application Competition was held as a sideline event of the conference. A total of 3,920 contestants of 611 teams from home and abroad took part in the competition.

        Shenzhen hosted the Pioneering Digital Twin City Innovation Conference for the first time yesterday, as the new concept of digital twin cities draws increasing attention.
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