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        City initiative unveiled to bolster youth development-oriented cities

        Writer: Wang Jingli  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-11-06

        The Shenzhen initiative for the establishment of youth development-oriented cities was officially released last week at the Thematic Forum for Youth Development-oriented Cities, a sideline event of the 2023 World Youth Development Forum held in Shenzhen.

        The initiative proposes to recognize the youth as a valuable resource for urban development, as well as create a more conducive environment and establish professional platforms to support young people while fostering global cooperation among them.

        A view of the Thematic Forum for Youth Development-oriented Cities in Shenzhen on Nov. 1. China News Services

        The initiative also calls on more cities to participate in the effort, fostering collaborative contributions toward the creation of youth development-oriented cities and a better future for humanity as a whole.

        The Thematic Forum for Youth Development-oriented Cities, themed “Coordinated Development of Youth and the City,” attracted nearly 500 participants, both online and offline.

        Xu Xiao, president of the All-China Youth Federation, said in a speech at the forum that building youth development-oriented cities requires joint efforts from governments and youth organizations worldwide.

        Xu hoped that countries will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of youth development to jointly promote the development of such cities.

        Qin Haixiang, vice minister of housing and urban-rural development, highlighted the importance of constructing high-quality housing, residential communities, and urban areas tailored to the needs of young people.

        The Shenzhen initiative for the establishment of youth development-oriented cities was officially released last week at the Thematic Forum for Youth Development-oriented Cities, a sideline event of the 2023 World Youth Development Forum held in Shenzhen.
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